Home, at long last

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I was just discussing this article with Shawn and made a comment about how parents apparently missed the lesson where the word starting with N and ending with O was taught. Ethan started saying "starts with N, ends with O" and I asked him what N-O spelled.


Logan has started reaching out for me if someone else is holding him. It's so nice to be loved.

We are home. More later or tomorrow when I am not one-handed.

Minor Excitement

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I made my first sale on Etsy! Woohoo!

Chris's (BIL) birthday is Tuesday, so I'm being a good SIL and making him some chili and sweet/sour meatballs to put in his freezer. Well, Shawn is making the meatballs, but I'm reading the recipe off for him. LOL

Shawn is taking one of the garden tractors home to use as a snowblower/lawn mower. It's just sitting around and rusting here, and his mom won't ever use it, so he figured he might as well take it. So Chris is bringing it to our house in the back of his truck tomorrow. We really should put a hitch on the back of the Aztek. Or just buy a new vehicle that has one. Like a minivan. :D

Didn't do much else today. We ran to town tonight to get stuff for the chili/meatballs, and I stopped at Joann's and got 5 yards of black felt for a photo backdrop. Can't wait to use it!

We're heading home tomorrow! I'm excited to get home and start decorating for Christmas!


Friday, November 28, 2008

I forgot a Thanksgiving post. Damn. Ah well.

We rocked the Black Friday sales today. Got almost everything we went for.

Still at MIL's house and bored out of my mind. Usually there are other assorted family members around, but this year it's just us. And I forgot my pump so we can't even go out without the kids.

Don't really have much else to say.

Survey time! (Stolen from Kirsten and Gina)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

[ONE] Who was your last text from?
Don't remember - I don't text much.

[TWO] Where was your default pic taken?
Do I have a pic on here? I don't think I do.

[THREE] Your relationship status?

[FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?

[FIVE] What is your current mood?
Good, a little tired.

[SIX] Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?

[EIGHT]Where do you wish you were right now?
Taking a nap.

[NINE] Have a crazy side?

[TEN]Ever had a near death experience?

[ELEVEN] Something you do a lot?
Nurse my kid.

[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?
Not really

[THIRTEEN] What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
I went for him and married him.

[FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried?
The other day when Ethan was throwing a mondo tantrum and I just couldn't take it anymore.

[FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Yes, two of them, actually.

[SIXTEEN] Who do you think about when you are falling asleep?
Logan, mostly, because I'm trying to make sure he isn't getting squished.

[SEVENTEEN]Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom, I think.

[EIGHTEEN] What is your favorite song?
I have a lot of favorite songs. My song of the moment is "Looking for a Good Time" by Lady Antebellum.

[NINETEEN] What are you doing right now?
Sufing the web on the couch

[TWENTY] Who do you trust right now?
Quite a few people

[TWENTY-ONE] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?

[TWENTY-TWO]Have you kissed someone in the past week?
My husband and kids.

[TWENTY-THREE] Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
Hmmm. I think Rachel lives closest to me, maybe.

[TWENTY-FOUR] Describe your life in one word?

[TWENTY-FIVE] Who are you thinking of right now?
Kirsten, because I'm reading her answers as I delete them to type my own.

[TWENTY-SIX] What should you be doing right now?
Not a gosh darn thing. Well, napping, if I knew what was good for me, but I don't. LOL

[TWENTY-SEVEN] What are you listening to?
Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Ethan playing.

[TWENTY-EIGHT] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?

[TWENTY-NINE] Who was the last person who yelled at you?

[THIRTY] Do you act differently around the person you like?

[THIRTY-ONE] What is your natural hair color?
Dark blonde.

[THIRTY-TWO] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Probably one of my kids.

[THIRTY-THREE] Who was the last person to make you sad?
Hm, I don't know.

[THIRTY-FOUR] What do you hear?
MIL talking on the phone.

[THIRTY-FIVE] Is your hair curly or straight?

[THIRTY-SIX] Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?

[THIRTY-SEVEN] Do you have a best friend?

[THIRTY-EIGHT] Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?

[THIRTY-NINE] Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
Yes, all the time!

[FORTY] Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Of course!

[FORTY-ONE] Are you happy with life right now?

[FORTY-TWO] Are you currently jealous?
Always a little bit.

[FORTY-THREE] What jewelry are you currently wearing?
My wedding and engagement rings.

[FORTY-FOUR] What were you doing Friday night?
I don't remember. Nothing noteworthy.

[FORTY-FIVE] Have you ever had your heart broken?

[FORTY-SIX] Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I doubt it.

[FORTY-SEVEN] Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
Not really.

[FORTY-EIGHT] What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
Bronchitis, last February.

[FORTY-NINE] How late did you stay up last night and why?
2-3am, I think. We were watching Without a Trace.

[FIFTY]Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?

Starting solids

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So we've been waiting until 6 months to start solids with Logan. However, I think he's getting to be about ready. Shawn was just munching on some Froot Loops and Logan grabbed one out of his hand and got it just inside his mouth before we caught it. I think he licked the sugar a bit and got all excited. It was really cute. :) That's one of the signs of being ready, right? Grabbing for food and trying to feed yourself? I'll have to do some more looking and reading up. He's 2 weeks away from 6 months, so it's not like we're starting THAT early.

We're back in Iowa for the long weekend. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow - possibly a trip to Iowa City, we'll see. I want to eat at Sonic. :D Yummy, yummy Sonic. I can't wait to get one at home!

Short post

Monday, November 24, 2008

Quick post tonight, I just got Logan nursed down to sleep and realized that I needed to post yet. We went to Woodfield tonight and checked out the new play area. Pretty nice! Ethan seemed to enjoy himself. It's really big, which is good in that it can accommodate a lot of kids, but bad in that it's hard to keep an eye on your kids amongst all the others.

Tomorrow is my last day of preschool! Woohoo! LOL Starting next Tuesday, Ethan will go all by himself, and I can't wait! It'll be a nice little 90 minutes of time with Logan. I'm glad his school is so close to our house - I can drop him off and come home and still have a good length of time before I need to go back.

We're heading to Kalona after preschool tomorrow and staying until Sunday. I have a feeling I'm going to forget to post. Only 6 more days of NaBloPoMo!

Woohoo Ethan!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ethan pooped on the potty tonight! WOOHOO!! *twirl* He hadn't pooped all day, which is very unusual for him, so before bed I asked if he had to go. He said yes, insisted on sitting on the big potty (thank heavens!), sat down, and pooped! I think this is the third time he's done it? So, so proud of my boy!

I made a big Thanksgiving dinner today - turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, gravy, Jello salad. It turned out really, really good and I am stuffed! It was a 20 lb. turkey so we have a TON of leftovers! I'm going to make turkey dressing when we get home from MIL's next week, and we'll have hot turkey sandwiches tomorrow night for supper. There should be at least 2 quart size Ziplocs of turkey leftover after that. I'll probably use some of it for baby food when Logan is ready for meats.

Speaking of Logan, he's awake, so I should go get him. :)

Go Hawks!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

We kicked the crap out of Minnesota today. Go Hawks! Here's to the bowl gods looking down upon us in favor and giving us a January bowl berth. :)

No Red 40 today and Ethan was really good! A few minor squabbles, but no possessed devil-child behavior. Yay!

Logan is extremely tired but refusing to sleep. Not fun. Let's hope he's saving up for a good night's sleep. One can hope, right?

This NaBloPoMo stuff really wears on a person. LOL


Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm starting to suspect that Ethan's behavior issues might be tied to artificial food dyes, specifically Red 40. He had a great day today...until he had a few Mike and Ikes. Within a half hour, all hell broke loose. So we're going to eliminate it for a week and see what happens.

Don't know much else today.

Gas, Crap, and Power Outages

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gas is $1.99 across the street! Woo! We didn't get any because we get shitty mileage with that brand, but still. It's the principle of the thing. LOL

I got a Bag o' Crap from Woot today and I really wasn't even trying. I was feeding Logan in the bedroom when I heard the sirens go off. Took me a second to realize what it was, and then I came out to see if I was too late. The buy page hadn't come up yet, so I kept refreshing, and eventually got the order screen. Tried in vain to get 3, but the button was broken, so I just hit the order button. Got an error because I forgot my CVV number. Submitted again, figuring there was no way I would get one. A billion server errors later, I got logged in to my account, and sure enough, my order history was Crappy. Score! A highlight to my otherwise shitty day.

Ethan was hideous today. We almost didn't make it to preschool because he just would not get ready. He just shuts down sometimes and it's infuriating.

Our car is leaking coolant. You know, because we have just a ton of extra cash laying around right now. I have two friends whose husbands are mechanics, so if it's something Shawn can't do himself, at least maybe we can get it done cheaper. I'd like to just get rid of the damn thing, but we're $2k upside down on it so that probably won't happen.

Shawn is on call this week and has been paged every night. Sucks. But on the bright side, he won a free phone in a raffle at work today so at least there's some kind of reward. And he's on vacation now until next Monday, which is awesome.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day, I don't think I can handle worse. Sigh.

Cheater cheater pumpkin eater

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Double posting to catch up, but I'm cheating and just posting a contest link. :D Go here to Or use the HTML code:
win 20 Pairs of Baby Leg Warmers from babySNAZZ!

Crap, again.

And then I went to bed early last night and forgot to make my second post. Dammit.

Last night was good - we went to the library. Ethan played with the trains, and Shawn, Logan, and I played Guess Who. Fun game. We should get it. :) Ethan came over and played a little, too.

After that we got groceries at Target. We're doing our own little Thanksgiving this weekend. I'm making a 20 lb. turkey for the 3 of us. :D I want a lot of leftovers to make turkey dressing. Yum!

Ethan is driving me up the wall, what else is new. Today has been particularly trying. He threw a fit because I wouldn't let him pour apple juice, because I didn't want to clean up a spill. It was such a fit that he threw my nursing stool across the living room. He finally calmed down and I decided to just let him pour. He did great, didn't spill a drop. Put it back in the fridge for me and everything.

So then he wanted a PBJ. I opened the fridge to get out the jelly, and the juice fell out, the cap popped off, and half the bottle went all over the floor. FUCK. Sometimes I just can't win.

Both boys are 'napping' at the moment (Ethan isn't sleeping, but he's in his room playing quietly, which is something, at least) and I'm finally eating something for the first time all day. Gosh I love being a mom. It's super fun.

Aw crap.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I forgot to post last night. Crap. Oh well. I'll just post twice today to make up for it.

I had an awesome time last night - did a game night with some of my friends. We played Scene It and Guesstures, and had a blast! Definitely need to have more game nights.

I tried some white merlot and it wasn't half bad. Definitely something to try again in my quest for wine I like.

Off to the library, more later. :)


Sunday, November 16, 2008

I really don't have much to post about tonight. LOL Logan actually slept last night, so that's good, but he's barely napped at all today. Ethan is being his usual self, no surprises there. At least he took a nap today.

I got a kick-ass deal on a carseat tonight - $46 shipped for a Britax Marathon. Let's hope I actually get it - there are rumors that's a mistake and Target will cancel the orders.

Yeah, that's about all I got. There's snow on the ground. I yelled at an asshole lady in the Walmart parking lot tonight for pulling forward into the spot we were pulling into, and not backing up to let us have it. Who does that? Especially in an angle parking lot? Argh. One of these days I'm going to get arrested for assault at that godforsaken place. This is why I shop at Target.

'Tis the season to be a HAWKEYE!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A friend of mine's sister posted this on his Facebook (she went to Iowa, he went to Iowa State). Too funny!

Oh the weather outside is frightful
And clown fans are getting spiteful
Not a single bowl is where they... Read More’ll go
That Must Blow! That Must Blow! That Must Blow!
They always show signs of flopping
And out of the poll they’ll be dropping
Once again the Hawks steal the show
That Must Blow! That Must Blow! That Must Blow!
When another kick sails wide right
How they hate that that is their norm
Now they’ll stay in a toxic waste site
Have fun watchin the Hawks in your Ames Dorm?
Mac’s spin is slowly dying
‘Bowl Championship’ they’re just not buying
While the Hawks bask in Floridas glow
That Must Blow! That Must Blow! That Must Blow!

Leaving in a bit to pick up my boy! Woo!!

To Do List: FAIL

Friday, November 14, 2008

Yeah, I didn't finish my to do list. Go figure. But, I did get 2 things done - my Etsy store and catching up on laundry. So at least my week of freedom didn't totally go to waste. :)

We're meeting my mom in Madison tomorrow at 1 to get Ethan. I can't wait! I miss my boy. It was nice to have a quiet week around here, and my stress levels are much improved, but it's time for him to come home. We'll definitely be doing this again, though. If my mom will have him back, that is. LOL Maybe Shawn's mom will take him next time?

Dad's surgery went well today. He's taking 2 weeks off work and can't go back to driving for something like 10 weeks, so I imagine he'll be bored out of his mind sitting in the office at work, just like after his motorcycle accident. He did learn to use a computer then, though, so not all was lost.

I've been following stories about my hometown (Postville, IA) on the Cedar Rapids Gazette website, and a couple of weeks ago I posted a comment to one of the stories. I think I wrote about that earlier - how my friend from high school called me the next day and asked if it was me? Anyway, I commented again last night, and someone replied back and was kind of a snot. I didn't recognize the name, so I asked Mom tonight if she did. She didn't, but she said that she'd heard I was commenting on things at the hospital today when she was waiting for Dad's surgery to get done. LOL Too funny. I changed my display name from Lacie D to L M D so hopefully from now on it won't be so obvious that it's me. The joys of growing up in small town Iowa, I tell ya.

I think we're going to try and get the Christmas lights up this weekend before the weather gets any worse. Doesn't seem like it should be that time of year yet. I'm excited, though - I think this will be the first year that Ethan truly 'gets' Christmas, and of course it's Logan's first, so that'll be fun too. We finished Ethan's shopping tonight - Once Upon a Child had the Imaginarium train table for $45, so we got it. I can't wait to give it to him, he's going to LOVE it. :)

Etsy store is DONE!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yay! I FINALLY got my Etsy store up and running! If anyone needs holiday cards, check it out! Tell your friends!

Shawn went to a movie tonight, so it was just me and Logan. Ooh, he's home! Yay. He can hold Logan for a bit. LOL I don't know what's up with the boy, he's not sleeping well and is a lot crabbier than usual. I know, I know, I've made that exact same statement multiple times this week. It's got to be because he's got a bit of a cold.

My dad is having surgery on his toe tomorrow. Mom has to take him so apparently Ethan is going to my great aunt's house. She has a home daycare, so I'm sure Ethan will have fun playing with the other kids.

I registered Ethan for pre-preschool this afternoon. He needs to be current on his vaxes, so it looks like we'll be getting the chicken pox vax instead of waiting for him to get it on his own. Which is fine. I can't even imagine having 2 boys with CP at the same time, sounds like hell on earth to me. He also needs to get his Hep B. They say he needs 3 doses, but we can't get 3 doses in before January, so hopefully getting the series started will be good enough.

One more Ethan-free day. It's been nice to have a bit of a break, but I think I'll be ready for him to be home on Saturday. It's just too quiet around here without him.

Looooong day.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Logan slept like absolute crap last night. Up every 2 hours at least. Don't know why, though I'm guessing either the runny nose or the gas had something to do with it.

Met Julie and Lacee for lunch at Panera today, and although it was nice to be able to actually eat my lunch in peace, hanging out with their kids made me miss Ethan. *sniff* Then my mom called tonight and said he was bouncing off the walls and being a brat, and it made me glad that I don't have to deal with that for 3 more days.

Still not getting far on my list because Mr. Needy has been on the boob a LOT today. I'm pretty well touched out and hoping/praying that he falls asleep soon. I really want to get the Etsy stuff done tonight, so I can start on the rest of my list tomorrow.

I'm so kidding myself that it's all going to get done.

2 years

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's been 2 years since my first miscarriage. :( It seems so long ago. I'd have an 18 month old. How different things would be. But you know, I really think things worked out for the better. I don't think I would have been the kind of mom who could deal with 2 kids in 2 years.

It was so quiet in the house today. Too quiet. I did get quite a bit of work done on my Etsy store, though. Nothing's up yet, but I have 10 cards ready to go, and I want to get at least 4 more designed. Then I just have to make watermarked images and I'm ready! Yay!

Ethan got his hair cut today. Mom said they used a 1 guard on the cutter. That's short. Really, really short. But there was mention of scissors on top, so hopefully the top is still a little longer. I can't wait to see it!

Logan is crying. Again. I hate it when he wants to cluster feed at night. Argh.

Is it truly home if part of your heart isn't here with you?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Man, for as much as I whine about the kid driving me up the wall, I sure do miss him when he's not here. :(

Happy 5 months to my baby boy! Wow, he's growing fast. Hard to believe it's been 5 months since his fabulous birth, but then again, it's hard to remember a time before he was here. And oh, how I love him. He's such a sweet, happy boy. I just watched him nod off to sleep in his swing and my heart melted. :)

I had a little chat with my doula, Kelly this afternoon. I hadn't heard from her in months, so it was wonderful to catch up with her! She asked if I'd be willing to give her a good reference and of course I said yes, and told her that I was bugging Shawn to write up an article about doulas from a dad's perspective. Apparently the birth climate in Rhode Island is very, very different (in a bad way) from here in Illinois - she said that the one independent CNM in the area is thought to be practicing witchcraft. Scary. Another lesson in "however bad you think you have it, someone else always has it worse". :(

I have so many things I want to get done this week, since I'll have more free time. Perhaps if I make a list here, I'll feel accountable to someone? Worth a shot, anyway.

*Clean/declutter living room
*Catch up on laundry
*Start Etsy shop for holiday cards
*Clean out/vacuum car

That's enough, I think. Don't want to overwhelm myself or I won't get any of it done. LOL

I wonder how long it'll take Ethan to miss us?

You know what sucks?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Slow internet sucks. I'm going out of my mind here.

We're heading home tomorrow. Without Ethan. *sniff* It's going to be a long, quiet week. I'm going to try and get a lot of work done at home while he's gone, though. Specifically, decluttering the living room. I'm tired of living in a messy toy pit all the time. We are desperately in need of more storage, so that'll be one goal. And I need to get better about not letting paper pile up. That's what the recycling bin is for. I want to sell/Freecycle a bunch of stuff, too. If we're going to move in March, I don't want to move a bunch of crap AGAIN. We seriously have boxes of stuff that haven't been unpacked in 5 years, since we lived in Iowa City.

I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat here. The nearest open store is 10 miles away. Blah. This reminds me why I never want to live in a small town again.

What a day!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Awesome day today! Started out the morning at my grandpa's auction. Lots of memories there, for sure. I got a couple of old cameras and a newspaper from the day man walked on the moon for $6. We had to leave before they started the tools, so Shawn didn't get anything.

We went straight from the sale to Shawn's cousin's wedding in Red Wing, MN. We didn't make it for the wedding, just the reception, so we pretty much drove almost 300 miles round-trip to eat. Sigh. At least we got to see most of Shawn's family, which was nice.

The highlight of the reception was "watching" the Iowa vs. Penn State game on Chris's phone...and they won!! Talk about an upset - a 5-4 unranked Iowa team beats the undefeated #3 team in the country. So freaking awesome. Gary Dolphin had an awesome quote about getting the morons off the field when the crowd rushed on with :01 to go after the game-winning field goal, but I can't find the exact quote. It was funny, though.

ETA: "Get off the field! What are these morons thinking?" LOL

We gave Chris a ride back to his place after the reception and we got to see his new apartment. It's really nice. I'm a little jealous. LOL

That's 'bout all I know tonight. I need to go to bed, I'm exhausted.

Just in the nick of time...

Friday, November 7, 2008

OK, so I cheated and set the time back, it's actually 12:51am on the 8th. Whoops. Forgive me, NaBloPoMo gods? :D

It snowed today. Huge fat gobs of snow. I'm so SO not ready for winter yet. There's been a lot of news coverage of the blizzard in Rapid City, SD and I am in complete denial that that'll probably be us at some point in the next couple of months. I hate winter. Snow is nice for Christmas and that's really about it. At least Ethan will have fun in it, he loves snow. Ah, to be a kid again, when snow is nothing more than a plaything and you don't have to worry about where your coat/snowpants/boots/hat/mittens are because that's Mom's job. Sigh.

Anyway. Today was my mom's 50th birthday and we celebrated at Mabe's. I heart Mabe's. Their pizza is pretty much the only thin crust pizza I like. There's just something about it, dunno what. And their cheesebread kicks ass, too. Yum.

She got a bunch of 50 balloons from her coworkers and Ethan is having a blast playing with them. Just in case you were wondering, it takes more than 50 balloons to lift a 35 lb. kid off the ground. LOL I'm surprised he hasn't broken anything yet - he's been running around the house with the bunch. He was attacking Grandma with them, too. Poor Grandma. I don't think she knows what she's in for next week. :D

You know what's weird? We priced out diapers (Cruisers) vs. Pull-Ups tonight, and the Pull-Ups were actually cheaper. I always thought Pull-Ups were more expensive, guess not.

Logan was attempting to latch on to my chin tonight. He was a persistent little bugger - he did it about 10 times before he finally figured out that no milk was going to come out, no matter how hard he tried. Do you know how convenient it would be to have a nipple at the end of your chin? No fumbling with shirts or bras, just give the kid a chin and let him go to town.

(I'm sleep-deprived, can you tell?)

Tomorrow is my grandpa's auction. It's going to be hard for me to restrain myself from buying a ton of tchotchkes that remind me of him and my grandma. Like the gigantic tapestry of W.C. Fields that hung in their trailer at the river. Do.not.need. Besides, I already have 2 of the best things from the house - the nisse and a Snorks playing card game. I used to play it with my grandma all the time before she died (in 1988, so I was a little bugger) and it's the one thing I really wanted from the house when Grandpa decided to move to town. Mom had absolutely no clue what I was talking about when I asked her to grab it for me, but I still knew exactly where it would be, 20 years after the last time that deck saw the light of day. And I really wanted the nisse, because what's a home without a nisse in the front window? (You're all wondering what the hell a nisse is, aren't you? Here you go. Mine looks like this, only mine is probably 30 years old and painted by Laura Hoeg herself, and it's much better looking.)

Baby's crying, so I shall stop here. Yay for Blogger post-dating. I hope it works. :D

Famous! (OK, maybe not.)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm on YesWeCarve.com!!

We're at my parents' house for the weekend. Stopped in Madison on the way to visit Michelle and family. Ethan had a good time - at one point he, Riley, and Jack were running circles around the kitchen table, screaming at the top of their lungs. It lasted for like 10 min. LOL I'll have to get the picture uploaded sometime - we took a picture of us and the kids, almost 3 years to the day after the first time we met, and Ethan and Riley just laid on a blanket on the floor like lumps. In their defense, they were only 2 months old at the time. It was fun to see Jack, too - his birthday is 2 days after Logan's (a year earlier) so it's fun to imagine Logan doing the same things this time next year.

Don't know much else, really. Tomorrow is my mom's 50th birthday, so I imagine we'll go out for supper. I was going to be a rotten child and put a bad picture of her in the paper, but typical me, I forgot. LOL

Ecstatic disappointment

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I expected this day to be so, so happy - and it is, don't get me wrong. But at the same time I'm so disappointed in California for passing Prop H8.

Logan has been SO crabby today and has been nursing seemingly non-stop. I hate days like this. Plus, Ethan was his usual infuriating self, but at least he took a nap.

Leaving for Postville tomorrow, with a stop in Madison so Michelle can finally meet Logan! Yay! We'll stay until Sunday or Monday, then Shawn, Logan, and I will come home, and Ethan is going to stay with Grandma and Patee for a week. I still don't know how I feel about that - I'm excited for my mom and dad because they've been waiting for this for 3 years, and it'll be a welcome break, but man, am I going to miss him! *sniff*

OK, tired of typing one-handed so that's all for today.

President Obama

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Is there really anything else to say?

I am SO PROUD to be an American right now. So proud.

CNN Ad in the New York Times

There is a moment, a simple moment, before history gets recorded.
Before it goes in the books.
Before it appears as a question on a game show.
Or on midterm exam.
A moment right before the headline is written.
There is a moment when history lives in the present.
When we can watch it unfold in real time, right before our eyes.
And we can all assume our place in it.
Some people live for history.
We live for the moment just before.

This gave me chills this morning. I SO want to be down in Grant Park tonight - unfortunately, going down there with two kids when you can't take strollers or bags in would be a huge PITA, and we don't have any last-minute babysitters. Sigh.

I've already got CNN on, watching the first poll results come in. History in the making. I can't wait to see the final results - even if Obama doesn't win (I really think he will) I'm just so, so happy that the Bush administration is coming to an end.

random thought

I remembered what I wanted to post the other day about Logan. I love it when he falls asleep while nursing and keeps doing a little flutter suck every minute or so, even though my boob is nowhere near his mouth. It's so stinkin' cute. :)

Big day in the D house!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ethan went 5 hours straight in underwear without having an accident today! Woohoo!! Very proud of my big boy!

Typing one-handed so this will be a short post. Not much else happened today - we got Ethan a room-darkening roller shade in hopes it'll keep him from waking up with the sun. Another gorgeous fall day - Ethan was out in shorts and a t-shirt and didn't mind a bit. Got some cute pics of the boys but they're not off the camera yet.

A little "You know you (used to) live in Iowa when..." - I read a story on the Cedar Rapids Gazette about Postville the other day and made a comment. My friend Levi called me tonight and said that he'd seen the comment and wondered if I was the Lacie D that posted it. I live in Chicago and he lives near Rochester, MN, yet we both still read the Cedar Rapids, IA Gazette and he knew that comment was mine. Too funny. LOL

I'm excited and nervous about tomorrow - I have a feeling I'll be glued to CNN most of the night. Go Obama! Yes We Can!

NaBloPoMo Failure

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I had grand plans to do NaBloPoMo, in which I would write one blog post every day during the month of November. You can see how well THAT worked. LOL Kind of like my neglected 101 in 1001 project. At least I have like a year and a half left to accomplish that. :D

Today was a very productive day. First of all, the weather was GORGEOUS for Nov. 2 - I think the high was in the upper 60s. I'm going to miss that. Not ready for winter yet. Anyway. We got the backyard cleaned up and all the toys put in the garage, and put some straw in Abbie's doghouse. There will be no cops accusing us of failure to provide shelter to our dog this year, thankyouverymuch. (Have I mentioned that I'm still pissed about that?)

We also picked up our new snowblower this afternoon, courtesy of Freecycle. I have no clue if it works or not (the guy we got it from said it did the last time he used it 4 years ago) but Shawn is pretty good at fixing things, so hopefully we'll have a functioning snowblower for the winter. Our driveway is hella long and my poor husband had to shovel it last winter, which was not good on his back, especially with all the heavy wet snow we got.

Still working on the potty training thing. He's getting better and better, and we had him in underwear for over an hour last night before he had an accident. Baby steps. He doesn't have preschool on Tuesday, and we're not doing gymnastics this session, so barring any unforeseen circumstances I'm going to do potty training boot camp starting tomorrow. We're going to my parents' house on Thursday and then he's staying there all next week (and my mom has been nagging at me to get him trained so I'm sure she'll be on top of it), so with any luck he'll come home and be day trained! There's no way he's ready to be night trained yet - he's woken up dry maybe twice. That's OK, though.

Yesterday we went to the American Baby Faire in Schaumburg. Basically a ton of baby vendors giving out free samples. It's awesome. :D Anyway, Chicco had a race thing with their Rodeo horses, and we entered Ethan in it. He won! Not that it was much of a competition - it was open to ages 2-3 1/2, and I think the other 5 kids in his race were all quite a bit younger than him. He kicked butt. LOL He crossed the finish line and totally didn't understand why I was whooping and hollering, it was kind of funny. He won a Chicco Bilingual Smart Driver, which I though was kind of a weird prize for a race for 2-3 1/2 year olds, since it's a 12+ month toy. But we figure we'll just give it to Logan for Christmas (from Ethan, of course) and buy Ethan a toy of comparable value to replace it.

Friday was Halloween, of course, and we had a good time. We made a quick trip to Streamwood's Safety Town for ToTing, and apparently they're going to be on the Streamwood Park District website at some point. I'll post a link if they are. After that we came home and went ToTing around the neighborhood. We were just going to go around our cul-de-sac, but only 5 people were home and Ethan was having fun, so we went up the street a little way. You know, I realized before this that whoever designed this neighborhood really packed the houses in, but that wasn't truly clear to me until we went ToTing. We walked a half mile loop to 4 other cul-de-sacs in our neighborhood and his bucket was overflowing with candy. It was nuts! He had a lot of fun, though, and by the end he had the "Trick or Treat"/get candy/"Thank You" thing down pat. :) Logan tagged along, but somewhere between the 3rd and 4th cul-de-sacs he fell asleep in Shawn's arms. It's so tiring being a cute little monster.

I leave you with a few pictures of the last couple of days. Don't forget to vote on Tuesday!

My boys at Safety Town ToT

My sleeping Logan-monster

Our pumpkins

Ethan's Rodeo debut

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