A bittersweet day...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It was a bittersweet day in our house today. My baby boys are growing up. *sniff*

Ethan started "big-boy" preschool today - I've been going with him all semester, but today was the first day he went by himself. I don't think he even noticed I was gone. LOL I barely got a hug and kiss out of him before he was off running around with his friends. They made a Froot Loop necklace for their craft today, but he was apparently more interested in eating the Loops rather than stringing them, and the few that did make it on the necklace were history by the time we got home. :)

Logan had a big day today as well - his first solid food! He went to town on some avocado and did really well - no tongue-thrust reflex, no gagging, nothing! He was definitely ready to start. I almost cried afterward, though - for the first time in his life, he ate something that didn't come from me. *sniff* I'm so proud of us that we've made it this far with exclusive breastfeeding, and I have no intention of stopping any time soon. I'd like to make it at least 6 more months so we can wean straight to milk instead of to formula, and I have no problems going longer than that, until he's ready to be done.

We put up our Christmas tree tonight, but of all the strands of lights we have, not a single one of them fully works. So I need to peruse the ads tonight and see if anyone has a good deal on lights. I'd love some faceted C6 LED lights, if I can find them cheap enough. They're $11/box at Target and we would need at least 2, if not 3 boxes.

I got my latest Bag o' Crap from Woot today, and I made out pretty well! I got a Crock-Pot, 4 universal car chargers (without the tips), a Mr. T read along book that has a vinyl record for the audio, and a digital camera bag. Not too shabby for $8!


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