Message board assholes

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm all in a tizzy tonight because I got in a fight with someone on OLU. Fight, me? Noooo... *shuffle* This bitch I hate anyway helped her friend with her newborn and had SUPER DOULA as her usertext. I sent her a PM saying it was insulting to actual doulas. She flipped out, I fired back, yadda yadda yadda. There goes another year off my lifespan. *sigh*

Logan had oatmeal for breakfast this morning, and LOVED it! It's so cute watching him eat, he tries to help with the spoon and fails miserably, and it's just adorable. I can't believe he's almost 6 months old already.

We went out and bought new lights for the Christmas tree tonight - faceted C6 LEDs. They're gorgeous and I love them. :D We got a new sparkly silver star topper, too. No ornaments yet - I'll have Ethan help me with those tomorrow, and then I'll take a picture. :)

I really need to get pictures uploaded. The oldest pictures on my camera right now are from Halloween. I've been a slacker.


Diane said...

Yeah, get some new pictures so I can gaze adoringly at your children! :)

because i'm the momma, that's why. - by Templates para novo blogger