Catching up

Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's been too long since I've posted - maybe I should have done Holidailies? Ah well. Here I am now.

It was a monumental day in the D household today - Ethan filled up his potty chart! He's been doing SO well going poop on the potty - he's only gone in his pull-up twice this week, and he poops at least twice a day, so that's doing really well! Oh, I am so, so proud of him, and he knows it, too. :) The other night when I was out at my cookie party, he said to Shawn "Mommy and Daddy are really proud of me!". Awwww. :) So the reward for filling all 100 squares was a special trip of his choice, and he's been begging to go to Chuck-E-Cheese all week. So as long as the weather cooperates, we're going up to Cedar Rapids tomorrow to celebrate. :)

We're back in Iowa for Christmas from now until next Sunday or Monday, I'm not sure when we're going back yet. Here at MIL's until Wednesday morning, then at my parents' for the rest of the week.

Logan had his 6 month appointment this week, and he's not gaining much weight - only 8 oz. in the last 2 months, bringing him to 14 lbs. even. He is gaining length and head circumference, though, and is meeting his milestones (though slower than Ethan did) so our ped. isn't worried about the slow weight gain. Now that he's started solids, hopefully he'll start chunking up a bit. When I told him not to grow up too fast I didn't expect him to take me so literally. :)

Solids have been going really well - he's had avocado, sweet potatoes, apples, pears, oatmeal, and peas. Didn't care for the peas much, though Shawn said they were really thick and it may have been a texture thing. We haven't tried them again yet, so we'll see how take 2 goes. He does love the others, though, and is eating a serving of oatmeal mixed with a whole (small) jar of food at a time. He doesn't like to eat when I feed him, though - I have a feeling he's thinking to himself, screw the food, gimme boobies! :)

On the way over here tonight, Ethan grabbed my Boppy and 'fed' Bear-Bear with his boobies. It was way, way cute. :)

Logan is getting really good at sitting up unassisted - we still use the boppy when he sits, but if he gets tippy, most of the time he can right himself without falling over. He's still very content to just sit and watch what's going on. He's mostly a very happy and smiley boy and I love him to bits. :)

Ethan finished his fall semester of preschool last week and I'm sure he's already ready to go back - he LOVES going to school and seems to have a really good time there without me. He did have a bit of a pushing/hitting problem one day, but hopefully it was a one-time thing.

I am constantly amazed at how smart he is - he got a thank you card from one of his teachers in the mail the other day, and he was able to read almost the whole thing to me. He loves pointing out words when we're out and about - it's definitely beyond having words memorized, he is reading them. He's also started to take an interest in telling time - he's always looking at the clock and telling us what the hands are pointing to, and he knows that when the clock points to 10, it's time to go night-night. (Though, here it is, 1am, and he's still going strong playing with the dogs. Ah well, it's a special night.)

I'm sure there were other things I've been meaning to write about here to remember them, but of course I've forgotten. Whoops.


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