Sunday, November 16, 2008
I really don't have much to post about tonight. LOL Logan actually slept last night, so that's good, but he's barely napped at all today. Ethan is being his usual self, no surprises there. At least he took a nap today.
I got a kick-ass deal on a carseat tonight - $46 shipped for a Britax Marathon. Let's hope I actually get it - there are rumors that's a mistake and Target will cancel the orders.
Yeah, that's about all I got. There's snow on the ground. I yelled at an asshole lady in the Walmart parking lot tonight for pulling forward into the spot we were pulling into, and not backing up to let us have it. Who does that? Especially in an angle parking lot? Argh. One of these days I'm going to get arrested for assault at that godforsaken place. This is why I shop at Target.
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