Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Logan slept like absolute crap last night. Up every 2 hours at least. Don't know why, though I'm guessing either the runny nose or the gas had something to do with it.
Met Julie and Lacee for lunch at Panera today, and although it was nice to be able to actually eat my lunch in peace, hanging out with their kids made me miss Ethan. *sniff* Then my mom called tonight and said he was bouncing off the walls and being a brat, and it made me glad that I don't have to deal with that for 3 more days.
Still not getting far on my list because Mr. Needy has been on the boob a LOT today. I'm pretty well touched out and hoping/praying that he falls asleep soon. I really want to get the Etsy stuff done tonight, so I can start on the rest of my list tomorrow.
I'm so kidding myself that it's all going to get done.
I'm so glad that bfing has worked out for you with Logan... and I'm definitely going to remember what you posted in Julie's journal about latching on within an hour of delivery!
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