You know what sucks?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Slow internet sucks. I'm going out of my mind here.

We're heading home tomorrow. Without Ethan. *sniff* It's going to be a long, quiet week. I'm going to try and get a lot of work done at home while he's gone, though. Specifically, decluttering the living room. I'm tired of living in a messy toy pit all the time. We are desperately in need of more storage, so that'll be one goal. And I need to get better about not letting paper pile up. That's what the recycling bin is for. I want to sell/Freecycle a bunch of stuff, too. If we're going to move in March, I don't want to move a bunch of crap AGAIN. We seriously have boxes of stuff that haven't been unpacked in 5 years, since we lived in Iowa City.

I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat here. The nearest open store is 10 miles away. Blah. This reminds me why I never want to live in a small town again.


because i'm the momma, that's why. - by Templates para novo blogger