CNN Ad in the New York Times

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

There is a moment, a simple moment, before history gets recorded.
Before it goes in the books.
Before it appears as a question on a game show.
Or on midterm exam.
A moment right before the headline is written.
There is a moment when history lives in the present.
When we can watch it unfold in real time, right before our eyes.
And we can all assume our place in it.
Some people live for history.
We live for the moment just before.

This gave me chills this morning. I SO want to be down in Grant Park tonight - unfortunately, going down there with two kids when you can't take strollers or bags in would be a huge PITA, and we don't have any last-minute babysitters. Sigh.

I've already got CNN on, watching the first poll results come in. History in the making. I can't wait to see the final results - even if Obama doesn't win (I really think he will) I'm just so, so happy that the Bush administration is coming to an end.


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