Just in the nick of time...

Friday, November 7, 2008

OK, so I cheated and set the time back, it's actually 12:51am on the 8th. Whoops. Forgive me, NaBloPoMo gods? :D

It snowed today. Huge fat gobs of snow. I'm so SO not ready for winter yet. There's been a lot of news coverage of the blizzard in Rapid City, SD and I am in complete denial that that'll probably be us at some point in the next couple of months. I hate winter. Snow is nice for Christmas and that's really about it. At least Ethan will have fun in it, he loves snow. Ah, to be a kid again, when snow is nothing more than a plaything and you don't have to worry about where your coat/snowpants/boots/hat/mittens are because that's Mom's job. Sigh.

Anyway. Today was my mom's 50th birthday and we celebrated at Mabe's. I heart Mabe's. Their pizza is pretty much the only thin crust pizza I like. There's just something about it, dunno what. And their cheesebread kicks ass, too. Yum.

She got a bunch of 50 balloons from her coworkers and Ethan is having a blast playing with them. Just in case you were wondering, it takes more than 50 balloons to lift a 35 lb. kid off the ground. LOL I'm surprised he hasn't broken anything yet - he's been running around the house with the bunch. He was attacking Grandma with them, too. Poor Grandma. I don't think she knows what she's in for next week. :D

You know what's weird? We priced out diapers (Cruisers) vs. Pull-Ups tonight, and the Pull-Ups were actually cheaper. I always thought Pull-Ups were more expensive, guess not.

Logan was attempting to latch on to my chin tonight. He was a persistent little bugger - he did it about 10 times before he finally figured out that no milk was going to come out, no matter how hard he tried. Do you know how convenient it would be to have a nipple at the end of your chin? No fumbling with shirts or bras, just give the kid a chin and let him go to town.

(I'm sleep-deprived, can you tell?)

Tomorrow is my grandpa's auction. It's going to be hard for me to restrain myself from buying a ton of tchotchkes that remind me of him and my grandma. Like the gigantic tapestry of W.C. Fields that hung in their trailer at the river. Do.not.need. Besides, I already have 2 of the best things from the house - the nisse and a Snorks playing card game. I used to play it with my grandma all the time before she died (in 1988, so I was a little bugger) and it's the one thing I really wanted from the house when Grandpa decided to move to town. Mom had absolutely no clue what I was talking about when I asked her to grab it for me, but I still knew exactly where it would be, 20 years after the last time that deck saw the light of day. And I really wanted the nisse, because what's a home without a nisse in the front window? (You're all wondering what the hell a nisse is, aren't you? Here you go. Mine looks like this, only mine is probably 30 years old and painted by Laura Hoeg herself, and it's much better looking.)

Baby's crying, so I shall stop here. Yay for Blogger post-dating. I hope it works. :D


because i'm the momma, that's why. - by Templates para novo blogger