To Do List: FAIL

Friday, November 14, 2008

Yeah, I didn't finish my to do list. Go figure. But, I did get 2 things done - my Etsy store and catching up on laundry. So at least my week of freedom didn't totally go to waste. :)

We're meeting my mom in Madison tomorrow at 1 to get Ethan. I can't wait! I miss my boy. It was nice to have a quiet week around here, and my stress levels are much improved, but it's time for him to come home. We'll definitely be doing this again, though. If my mom will have him back, that is. LOL Maybe Shawn's mom will take him next time?

Dad's surgery went well today. He's taking 2 weeks off work and can't go back to driving for something like 10 weeks, so I imagine he'll be bored out of his mind sitting in the office at work, just like after his motorcycle accident. He did learn to use a computer then, though, so not all was lost.

I've been following stories about my hometown (Postville, IA) on the Cedar Rapids Gazette website, and a couple of weeks ago I posted a comment to one of the stories. I think I wrote about that earlier - how my friend from high school called me the next day and asked if it was me? Anyway, I commented again last night, and someone replied back and was kind of a snot. I didn't recognize the name, so I asked Mom tonight if she did. She didn't, but she said that she'd heard I was commenting on things at the hospital today when she was waiting for Dad's surgery to get done. LOL Too funny. I changed my display name from Lacie D to L M D so hopefully from now on it won't be so obvious that it's me. The joys of growing up in small town Iowa, I tell ya.

I think we're going to try and get the Christmas lights up this weekend before the weather gets any worse. Doesn't seem like it should be that time of year yet. I'm excited, though - I think this will be the first year that Ethan truly 'gets' Christmas, and of course it's Logan's first, so that'll be fun too. We finished Ethan's shopping tonight - Once Upon a Child had the Imaginarium train table for $45, so we got it. I can't wait to give it to him, he's going to LOVE it. :)


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